For other questions, contact reception at (603) 856-8828 x5
Becoming a patient
Are you accepting new patients?
Yes, there are providers at Crossroads who are currently accepting new patients.
What is your vaccine policy? Do you accept new patients who are unvaccinated or are on an altered vaccine schedule?
Though we strongly endorse immunizations, we never turn away un- or under-immunized patients, and we always allow patients and parents to make their own decisions on when and how to immunize.
Existing Patients
How do I access the Patient Portal?
Once registered (call the clinic complete this process), simply click on the Patient Portal button on the home page.
How do I get a prescription refilled?
Prescriptions are filled and refilled at appointments only. Keep this in mind prior to moving or changing any of your pre-scheduled appointments as these appointments are scheduled to insure you will not run out of any of your medications.
Are you affiliated with any other health care providers?
Though we have an agreement with the hospitalist system at Concord Hospital for our hospitalized patients, we have no formal affiliations with any hospitals or other care facilities.
What insurances do you cover?
We accept most plans offered by Anthem, Cigna, Tufts, Harvard Pilgrim, Aetna, United Health, Medicare, and NH Medicaid (including NH Healthy Families and Well Sense), as well as many other insurance providers.
We are currently closed to new patients with NH Medicaid plans. Please keep in mind that patients are responsible to ensure network coverage.